Poe Difference Between Ele Dmg And Spell Dmfg

I would like to know if there is a difference bewteen the two when relating them to the skill tree nodes. For example, 8% Increased Elemental Damage (node). Will that effect My Witchs Fire and ice spells or will it only effect weapons that have Elemental properties on them? Thank you, any help is much appreciated. Although in POE you can't get so much cast speed% the same as Spell% or Crit Dmg%, the closer you are to a perfect cube the higher your damage output will be, that is why even a 3% cast speed sometimes gives more damage boost than a 10%+ spell dmg. So the keyword here is 'Balance'. Damn I'm so bored. Can't wait for Act 4.

The Witch is a pure intelligence based class, which uses wands and sceptres, and her armour pieces grant an energy shield which protects them from damage. The Witch's Ascendancy classes are Necromancer, Elementalist, and Occultist.

Innate Spell

(Complete Arcane, p. 80)

You have mastered a spell so thoroughly that you can now use it as a spell-like ability.


Poe Difference Between Ele Dmg And Spell Dmfg

Quicken Spell (PH) , Silent Spell (PH) , Still Spell (PH) ,


Choose any spell you can cast. You can now cast this spell at will as a spell-like ability once per round. One spell slot eight levels higher than the innate spell is permanently used to power it, and any XP cost for the innate spell is paid each time you use it. As well, you must have any focus required by the spell in order to use it as a spell-like ability, and if the innate spell has a costly material component, you must use an item worth 50 times that cost as a focus. Since an innate spell is a spell-like ability and not an actual spell, a cleric can't lose it to spontaneously cast a cure or infl ict spell. As well, spellcasters who become unable to cast spells of the level of the spell slot used to power the innate spell become unable to use the spell-like ability.


Poe difference between ele dmg and spell dmg and associates

Poe Difference Between Ele Dmg And Spell Dmg And Associates

You can choose this feat more than once, selecting another spell and paying the spell slot, focus, and material components costs each time.

Poe Difference Between Ele Dmg And Spell Dmg Free

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