Minions And More Dmg On Full Life

Feb 13, 2017 Hey all, I am now doing maps up to tier 6, and I am finally starting to feel like I've hit the ceiling. The problem is I have already taken all the +minion damage nodes, and I don't see how else I can increase in power except through my gems. And I am already level 17/18 in them. I don't know how else to become more powerful as a summoner to progress further. For other builds, they can stack. Mar 12, 2020  Path of Exile is a free online-only action RPG under development by Grinding Gear Games in New Zealand.

My level 25 Animate Guardian just got killed in a white T15 Courtyard map.
How the hell can this happen?
It had like 12 ex worth of gear on it and was supposed to be almost invulnerable.
I do dismiss it on a few maps like acid caverns as advised but dying on a white map sorta makes an AG completely useless.
This is the first time in 2 leagues i have lost an AG.
Last bumped on Mar 9, 2020, 2:04:52 AM
Posted by
on Mar 7, 2020, 11:42:02 PM
Can you give more details, for other 'expensive AG' users?
Against shaper / uber elder / sirus, did you ever see it's hp dropping?
How did it die? Died to white mobs? Metamorph? Boss? Did you see it's HP dropping? Did your AG had max resists?
Posted by
on Mar 7, 2020, 11:56:39 PM
It was a syndicate fight, my Carrion golem died as well, my zombies were ok and i took no damage.
It was an instant kill.
He was wearing mask of the stitched demon head,
Crafted chest with gain 10% of max life as extra max energy shield,
Southbound gloves with vulnerability curse,
Victario's flight boots,
Kingmaker weapon.
Never ever saw his HP move against any encounter, 10 uber elders done and at least 6 Sirius attempts, not good enough to kill him so i got carries.
Numerous cortex/synth maps.
Never lost a similar AG in 2 leagues so very annoyed this happened.
Posted by
on Mar 8, 2020, 12:12:22 AM
sounds like he has no chaos res, or bled to death.
Yeah you need indomitable army node probably.
Last edited by macsdf1 on Mar 8, 2020, 3:54:54 AM
Posted by
on Mar 8, 2020, 3:53:58 AM
I don't think so. I doubt anything on a white map is supposed to do over 50k chaos dps.
Most likely was some weird bug.
Assuming spirit offering was off (which is unlikely), his AG still had over 5k hp regen per sec, assuming all mentioned items were equipped.
Last edited by 6_din_49 on Mar 8, 2020, 11:06:53 PM
Posted by
on Mar 8, 2020, 11:02:27 PM
It must be a bug. I equipped mine with some random legendary items that drop on some map and he is always with full hp. I did even 20-30 acid caverns map, killed everything in the game and he was not even close to dying.
PS: how didnt you manage to kill sirus with necromancer at you own? its walk in the park with it.
Did you use nodes that give your minions more resistance? did you support them in fights or did you just stand there? My minions were immortal, not a single one died
Last edited by Liquid_stone on Mar 8, 2020, 11:30:16 PM
Posted by
on Mar 8, 2020, 11:27:22 PM
'It That Fled' can be brutal if rank 3 on a t15 map. Could be that.
Posted by
on Mar 8, 2020, 11:47:02 PM
Only thing that can kill it is chaos dmg/bleeds/poison. Like lab traps those things tick based on the full life of your AG. So even a 150k hp AG can take massive dmg that way. 50k life on an AG is pretty low anyways.
pick up the anti bleed node for him and should be good go to.
uber elder and sirius do little chaos dmg, that's why he won't die there anymore.
Hunter, Acid caverns boss can do huge chaos dmg.
Acid Caverns has diff bosses I belive, not always the same ones. Same as precint. Depending on which one you get it can be brutal.
Posted by
on Mar 9, 2020, 2:04:52 AM
edited September 22, 2018 in Necromancer

Hey all,

I started this game because I heard you could play a necromancer in a MMO. Usually this class exists in action RPGs like Diablo 3 and Path of Exile, but I was curious about the novelty of playing it in a MMO setting.

Initially I wanted the option to create this super tank minion that can tank any boss in the game if specced correctly. I was disappointed to know that such a thing doesn't exist, that minions are only support and can never be the main damage.

Minions And More Dmg On Full Life Meaning

Q1. So I write up this post while in denial, hoping, begging that there is a saving grace for a viable necromancer that is a master of minions. Is such a thing still possible?
Q2. How do you improve the strength of minions, other than your personal level and death magic?
Q3. The wiki says that minions only gain Condition Damage, Condition Duration, and Boon Duration from you. May I know how this even helps minions, because minions only do flat damage? I don't see them doing any boons either to benefit from Boon Duration.
Q4. How do you improve the aggro of minions so that they will tank the enemies for you?


  • edited September 22, 2018

    1) The saving grace for minion master necro is that it is the safest build for open world PvE. You do practically no damage, provides pretty much no utility, very poor mobility but you are utterly invincible.

    2) You don't, they don't really scale off anything important.

    3) It really doesn't as no minion afflict enough condis for the damage/duration to be worth it.

    4) They already take aggro which is why I made answer 1. Mobs will attack your minions instead of you and that's how you survive. Note this is for open world pve only.

  • edited September 22, 2018

    @Warscythes.9307 said:
    4) They already take aggro which is why I made answer 1. Mobs will attack your minions instead of you and that's how you survive. Note this is for open world pve only.

    But currently if I auto-attack enemies in the open world, they go after me instead of my minions.

  • edited September 22, 2018

    @Brand.9670 said:

    @Warscythes.9307 said:
    4) They already take aggro which is why I made answer 1. Mobs will attack your minions instead of you and that's how you survive. Note this is for open world pve only.

    But currently if I auto-attack enemies in the open world, they go after me instead of my minions.

    I am guessing is that you are using toughness gear. You are pretty much unkillable with full damage gear playing minion master, so wear that.

    Even if you are getting hit which does happen. Dagger 2 and going to shroud is enough to recover from anything. Trust me MM necro is absolutely braindead to play and is capable of soloing pretty much everything champion and below by pressing 2 buttons. However that's all it is good for.

  • @Warscythes.9307 said:

    @Brand.9670 said:

    @Warscythes.9307 said:
    4) They already take aggro which is why I made answer 1. Mobs will attack your minions instead of you and that's how you survive. Note this is for open world pve only.

    But currently if I auto-attack enemies in the open world, they go after me instead of my minions.

    I am guessing is that you are using toughness gear. You are pretty much unkillable with full damage gear playing minion master, so wear that.

    Even if you are getting hit which does happen. Dagger 2 and going to shroud is enough to recover from anything. Trust me MM necro is absolutely braindead to play and is capable of soloing pretty much everything champion and below by pressing 2 buttons. However that's all it is good for.

    How do you measure which class is good in dps? Is there an addon or something to track it?

  • edited September 22, 2018

    @Brand.9670 said:

    @Warscythes.9307 said:

    @Brand.9670 said:

    @Warscythes.9307 said:
    4) They already take aggro which is why I made answer 1. Mobs will attack your minions instead of you and that's how you survive. Note this is for open world pve only.

    But currently if I auto-attack enemies in the open world, they go after me instead of my minions.

    I am guessing is that you are using toughness gear. You are pretty much unkillable with full damage gear playing minion master, so wear that.

    Even if you are getting hit which does happen. Dagger 2 and going to shroud is enough to recover from anything. Trust me MM necro is absolutely braindead to play and is capable of soloing pretty much everything champion and below by pressing 2 buttons. However that's all it is good for.

    How do you measure which class is good in dps? Is there an addon or something to track it?

    Yes, arcdps. Google it and should be relatively easy to find.

    People already did the numbers for you though.

    However I will mention that this is golem dps with raid buffs, as in this is made for raids only.The golem is standing still doing nothing while somebody hit it with realistic raid buffs/debuffs like 25 might, fury etc etc to calculate it. Bosses move, Chronos screw up their rotation and sometimes you need to use a cc instead of damage, so things change but it does gives a good reference of where classes stand.

  • If you take Vampiric Presence in blood they also increase their self heal, heal you more, and increase life steal. As support scourge they do good damage and can cleanse conditions like there's no tomorrow. With traits in scourge you can give them might with barrier and also cleanse conditions off them. They are very strong with a healy scourge.

  • @Warscythes.9307 said:
    You do practically no damage

    Scepter says hi, and wonders if you want anything from McD

  • edited September 30, 2018

    ^^ Indeed, Scepter Condi build is the best way to get the most from a minion master, especially if you want what the OP does ... minions to tank for you. Minions benefit from your condi stat ... it only makes sense.

    If you think balancing is only driven by performance and justified by comparisons to other classes then prepare to be educated:

  • Thanks all. Yes I have also maneuvered my way to a scepter. Initially I wanted scepter for the bleed effect in order to trigger Blood Bond.
    Then I saw Lingering Curse's +100 condition damage bonus, and I just stuck with it.

    I have since finished my personal story, and bought Heart of Thorns.

    However, I have read something disturbing. That pets only do 5% of your dps. If that's true, how are they still meatshields? 5% cannot possibly generate that much aggro.

  • Just the way mobs are scripted; to prioritize pets over players. Also dps is not as big an indicator of ago in this game. Toughness seems to play a bigger role to mob agro than dps.

    I am a giant tomato filled with love. I have come to sell you a house made out of pancakes.

  • A couple of points to remember about your scepter-based minion master
    1. Scepter builds do not generate as much life force as axe, dagger, or greatsword so use scepter 3, Feast of Corruption, as often as possible to keep your life force coming. Minions will only give life force if they die. Also, do not be afraid of using staff to build LF, too.
    2. Arenanet has made it clear that they prefer to reward player skill with more damage and Necromancer has 5 AI pets. The game developers will try to ensure damage attributed to minions is moderated.

  • edited October 1, 2018
    1. MM is popular for open world or solo story content. It's tanky and versatile in that content. It's pretty garbage in everything else, because minions either just die or because they cause aggro problems.
    2. The only other way is to stack vulnerability on your targets. Look at Axe ,or 'Bitter Chill' in curses. For this reason a Chill Condi Reaper, or a Decimate Defenses Reaper, make good MM.
    3. It doesn't, because no minions do condition damage. Some do debuffs (like cripple) but that's not worth gearing for by itself.
    4. Don't use toughness gear (enemies are attracked to high toughness targets) and don't stand in melee range. That's pretty much it.

    FWIW, Shadow Fiend is a strong minion that's usable in many builds, even non-MM ones, because of it's good LF gain. Flesh Golem is also strong and could maybe be used in other builds. The rest are only useful in a pure MM build.

  • @Sephylon.4938 said:
    Just the way mobs are scripted; to prioritize pets over players. Also dps is not as big an indicator of ago in this game. Toughness seems to play a bigger role to mob agro than dps.

    Indeed... Aggro is determined by toughness and minions have toughness. If the necromancer have more toughness than it's minions he take aggro, if the minions have more toughness than the necromancer they take aggro. That's why it's always debatable whether one should use DM in a minion build and why I think BM just for the sake of vampiric is a better option than DM in minion builds.

    The minions aren't strong enough to be main dps tools but are they a proper defensive tool if taking minions increase your toughness and thus make you the one who take aggro? DM minions traits always seem to go against logic.

  • @Anchoku.8142 said:
    A couple of points to remember about your scepter-based minion master
    1. Scepter builds do not generate as much life force as axe, dagger, or greatsword so use scepter 3, Feast of Corruption, as often as possible to keep your life force coming. Minions will only give life force if they die. Also, do not be afraid of using staff to build LF, too.

    That's not exactly true. Shadow fiend generates 10% lf by using the active.

    1. Arenanet has made it clear that they prefer to reward player skill with more damage and Necromancer has 5 AI pets. The game developers will try to ensure damage attributed to minions is moderated.

    If they made it that clear, why is power necro still using 3 minions to do dmg in raids?
    Or why does scourge use Shadowdienst if epi isn't needed?

    That can just indicate two things:
    1. Necro is a very bad designed profession that doesn't have enough DPS tools, because most of its abilities are very niche
    2. It is intended, but that would also be the complete opposite of what anet made clear.

    If anet really wanted to reward active playstyle they would have to change necro completely:
    1. Remove minions that tank for you
    2. Remove second health bar from shroud
    3. Add dodges and mobility (active defenses)
    4. Give it more dmg potential

  • @Nimon.7840 said:

    @Anchoku.8142 said:
    A couple of points to remember about your scepter-based minion master
    1. Scepter builds do not generate as much life force as axe, dagger, or greatsword so use scepter 3, Feast of Corruption, as often as possible to keep your life force coming. Minions will only give life force if they die. Also, do not be afraid of using staff to build LF, too.

    That's not exactly true. Shadow fiend generates 10% lf by using the active.

    1. Arenanet has made it clear that they prefer to reward player skill with more damage and Necromancer has 5 AI pets. The game developers will try to ensure damage attributed to minions is moderated.

    If they made it that clear, why is power necro still using 3 minions to do dmg in raids?
    Or why does scourge use Shadowdienst if epi isn't needed?

    That can just indicate two things:
    1. Necro is a very bad designed profession that doesn't have enough DPS tools, because most of its abilities are very niche
    2. It is intended, but that would also be the complete opposite of what anet made clear.

    If anet really wanted to reward active playstyle they would have to change necro completely:
    1. Remove minions that tank for you
    2. Remove second health bar from shroud
    3. Add dodges and mobility (active defenses)
    4. Give it more dmg potential

    Valid points; it has been years since Shadow Fiend started generating LF from its active but I just forgot about it.

    Regarding slotting minions in instanced combat, perhaps it is because defensive utilities are not necessary and Necro has not very many strong damaging utilities. Many are for debuffing. Shout utilities, most signet utilities, spectral utilities, most corruption utilities, and punishment utilities are either defensive or do not work that great on boss mobs. Well of Suffering, Well of Corruption, Epidemic, Signet of Spite, and minions are just about all I can think of that add any significant dps. Does that make them good or just the best out of bad options?

    Taking Shadow Fiend because it is better than Well of Corruption that has nothing to corrupt and fixed AoE that mobs wander out of is sad but makes sense. Minion skills for breakbars and minions' ability to follow moving targets are what makes them useful, I think.

    I am not really disputing your points, rather, considering why the utility and Elite skills brought to raids are what they are: Raid encounter designs, bosses, and ally skills negate a lot of Necromancer's utility but that goes the same for many other professions.

  • @Anchoku.8142 said:

    @Nimon.7840 said:

    @Anchoku.8142 said:
    A couple of points to remember about your scepter-based minion master
    1. Scepter builds do not generate as much life force as axe, dagger, or greatsword so use scepter 3, Feast of Corruption, as often as possible to keep your life force coming. Minions will only give life force if they die. Also, do not be afraid of using staff to build LF, too.

    That's not exactly true. Shadow fiend generates 10% lf by using the active.

    1. Arenanet has made it clear that they prefer to reward player skill with more damage and Necromancer has 5 AI pets. The game developers will try to ensure damage attributed to minions is moderated.

    If they made it that clear, why is power necro still using 3 minions to do dmg in raids?
    Or why does scourge use Shadowdienst if epi isn't needed?

    That can just indicate two things:
    1. Necro is a very bad designed profession that doesn't have enough DPS tools, because most of its abilities are very niche
    2. It is intended, but that would also be the complete opposite of what anet made clear.

    If anet really wanted to reward active playstyle they would have to change necro completely:
    1. Remove minions that tank for you
    2. Remove second health bar from shroud
    3. Add dodges and mobility (active defenses)
    4. Give it more dmg potential

    Valid points; it has been years since Shadow Fiend started generating LF from its active but I just forgot about it.

    Regarding slotting minions in instanced combat, perhaps it is because defensive utilities are not necessary and Necro has not very many strong damaging utilities. Many are for debuffing. Shout utilities, most signet utilities, spectral utilities, most corruption utilities, and punishment utilities are either defensive or do not work that great on boss mobs. Well of Suffering, Well of Corruption, Epidemic, Signet of Spite, and minions are just about all I can think of that add any significant dps. Does that make them good or just the best out of bad options?

    Taking Shadow Fiend because it is better than Well of Corruption that has nothing to corrupt and fixed AoE that mobs wander out of is sad but makes sense. Minion skills for breakbars and minions' ability to follow moving targets are what makes them useful, I think.

    I am not really disputing your points, rather, considering why the utility and Elite skills brought to raids are what they are: Raid encounter designs, bosses, and ally skills negate a lot of Necromancer's utility but that goes the same for many other professions.

    The problem here: that minions are actually the most damaging skills, which shouldn't really be the idea

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